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#PrescriptionDrugAddiction #Resiliency #AddictionStigma

Content Compiled by Camden Aguilar and Lily Laramie




  • NC prescription drug laws are fiercely enforced

  • NC drug laws have a lot of variances, which makes the prosecution of each individual in violation easily changeable.

  • Asheville prescription drug laws are much vaguer and more difficult to find than NC general policies.​



-How the Burton Street Community Peace Garden is helping

  • BSCPG is “restoring the community by restoring the people” -DeWayne Barton

  • They are absorbing trauma of individuals through art, community, and shared experiences
  • They are feeding the community with their community gardens

  • They are educating the next generation

  • Learn about the BSCPG through their Facebook Page, and this MountainX article




​​​“The most ineffective strategy taken by the US is the use of Drug Law enforcement as the main vehicle to deal with the issues of drug abuse (Alexandris, 2017). Drug enforcement policies tend to target supply, demand and the trafficking of drugs, with little to no concern about the impact these policies have had on the human population.”

 ​- Read the rest of Zachary K. Thomas's response to Mayberry Undercover


“Family is the most important people in someone’s life and when you lose them, that can tear someone up. It can give you the strength to find help or it can throw you into a depression where your only help is more drugs, eventually you overdose all alone. It’s a terrifying thing to think about but it happens, nobody wants to die alone, but nobody wants to watch a person they love slowly deteriorate from their own choices.”

- Read the rest of Nick Rohlen's response to Mayberry Undercover


“Many people try to ignore drug abuse as a whole because of the negative stigmas surrounding it.  When looking at local prescription drug abuse it is important to remain objective and to focus on treatment rather than criminalizing those who are struggling.”

Read the rest of Wade Chandler's response to Mayberry Undercover


“Mayberry Undercover reminds me of when I grew up in Asheville, very close to the Burton Street community, in the Mary Benson house for mothers in recovery. I was very young at the time, but I can remember all the women I was surrounded by. All of them recovering from the grip of addiction, and many from addiction to prescription drugs that they had been prescribed by their doctor. They were all outcasts, tossed aside because of the label of “addict” that society placed on them.”

- Lily Laramie, UNCA

Video from Zachary Thomas on Opiod Addiction and "Mayberry Undercover"



Through our Community Development, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Burton Street Community Peace Gardens, and a source of much success for our Non-Profit Organization. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program.

©2019 by Burton Street Community Peace Gardens. Web design and content by Amanda Wray and UNC Asheville Professional Writing students.

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